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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How came existence Darul-Uloom Deoband?

The aim of our education is to produce young people who are Indian in color and race, but Islamic in heart and mind. In which the sentiments of Islamic civilization are awakened and in terms of religion and politics Islamic consciousness is alive in them.

Dear Sirs, why did Hujjat-ul-Islam Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi establish “Darul Uloom Deoband” and use this slogan in his actions? The reason for this was that the "British", the conquering nation of British India, was concerned about how to mold the heart and mind of India into European molds so that British could take root in this country. Obviously, the only way to change hearts and minds could have been education, which has always molded hearts and minds into these molds. That is why Lord Macaulay proposed an education scheme to paint India in a foreign color. The map of school and college education reached India from Europe and the slogan was raised that "the aim of our education is to produce young people who are Indian in color and race and English in heart and mind." When the voice of a victorious and ruling nation was raised and was also a teaching, which in itself is a revolutionary tactic, this voice had a significant impact on the mental revolution in the country. From this education began to emerge races which, of course, were Indian in terms of their flesh-and-blood, but began to stand out in English dress in terms of their way of thinking and thinking. Seeing this mental but dangerous revolution, Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi established Darul Uloom Deoband. And he raised the slogan, "We will produce young people who are purely Islamic." One of the benefits of this was that the universal effects of the West stopped, and the talk was not one-sided, but on the one hand, if the pro-Western people On the other hand, the pro-Orientalist and Islamist aspects began to come on equal footing, which did not leave the danger that the western flood will wash away all the dry and wet, but if its If the tide of the river flows, then such barriers have been built that will not allow it to move freely. However, the hour of Mahmood came when the madrassa was started and this combined teaching of its construction and defense came into being. Mullah Mahmood seated in front of him a student whose name was also Mahmood who later became known as Shaykh-ul-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan Deobandi, not in a building built for a madrassa, but in the open courtyard of a roofed mosque. I sat in the shade of a pomegranate tree and inaugurated this famous Darul Uloom Deoband seminary. There were no demonstrations, no name-calling, no posters and advertisements. Just a student and a teacher. The student is also Mahmood and the teacher is also Mahmood. With two people, this scheme to protect the faith of millions came into being. Scientifically, this Wali-ul-Ilahi Jamaat is a sect of Ahl-e-Sunnah wal-Jamaat, which is based on the Qur'an, Sunnah, consensus and analogy. Through its comprehensive services, Darul Uloom spread the light of prophetic knowledge from Siberia to Sumatra and Java, from Burma to Arabia and Africa, making the paths of pure morality clear. After 1857, when the glory of the Muslims had been trampled on by India, and the situation had undergone a radical revolution and change. The greatest thing that Darul Uloom did in these changing circumstances was that it did not allow Muslims to change in terms of religion and society in terms of circumstances. With maturity and determination, he maintained Islamic asceticism and the ascetic and trustworthy ethics of religious culture. Thus, this great seminary of the subcontinent has produced such personalities of the Islamic world who have had a profound and far-reaching impact on the history of Muslims through their intellectual, practical and practical guidance. From here he released a fountain of grace which turned the tide of the history of the subcontinent. From this seminary such suns and moons of knowledge and grace were born, which kept a world shining. There was a time when everyone from the peon of the Darul Uloom to the president of the madrassa and the superintendent was a perfect guardian. During the day there were discussions of sciences and arts and at night its corners resounded with the remembrance of Allah Almighty and recitation of the Qur'an. The personalities who graduated from Darul Uloom Deoband during this period have played such glorious roles in worship, affairs, ethics and society, politics and social affairs that it is difficult to find a precedent for it today. Each of them was the embodiment of Islam, wherever he sat, he would rise to make the world a true Muslim. Hujjat-ul-Islam Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi, Faqih-ul-Hind Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Shaykh-ul-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan Deobandi, Hakim-ul-Ummah Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Imam-ul-Asr Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Shaykh-ul-Islam Syed Hussain Ahmad Madani, Imam of the Revolution Maulana Obaidullah Sindhi, Grand Mufti Thousands of men like Maulana Kifayatullah Dehlavi and Ameer Shariat Syed Ataullah Shah Bukhari became the crown princes of Darul Uloom. These same religious leaders presented examples of fidayyat and nisari. He was also active in the practical fields of jihad and fighting for the sake of Allah, devoting his life to teaching, preaching and advising, writing and composing for the purpose of defending the religion of Islam. He was the embodiment of worldly prestige, wealth, honor, fame, name and appearance, abstaining from personal comforts and pleasures, and in the spirit of pleasing Allah Almighty. These religious leaders are comprehensive of outward and inward, confluence of knowledge and action, simultaneous ocean of rational and movable things, abiding at night, living night, defending day.

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