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Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Our moral authority

It is often said that the West is ahead of us in science but our moral authority is much better than theirs.

For example:

In the West, there is no concept of milk mixing.

Counterfeit medicines are not made there.

Meat is not injected with water.

Fake oil and ghee are not made.

They don't consider cleanliness to be half-faith, but you won't see filth like us there.

Like us, they do not consider smuggling and hoarding to be permissible.

And they don't know that electricity can be stolen.

They can't sell one thing by showing it like us, nor can they weigh less like us.

Little do they know that witnesses can be hired in the courts and you can be a direct judge instead of a lawyer.

They don't know that if we don't have an adult sitting next to the Qur'an reader, he rapes the child.

There is no madrassa in our country where children are not abused.

There is no university in the world where girls are not sexually harassed for passing theses.

We also have a record of fraud in printing the Qur'an and performing Hajj.

Government land and children's parks are not occupied there.

You can't touch the trees there. Here our timber mafia sold and ate half of Pakistan's forests.

We are number one in the world in finding odors on the net.

The billionaires of the West watch videos of child abuse and we make them up.

In our prisons we find rosaries made of hashish.

Doctors there do not even know that commission can be collected separately from companies by prescribing medicine. Nor are women's surgeries performed in Gaini just to get more money.

There is hardly an incident in the West where a patient came for treatment and the doctor removed his kidney and sold it.

In the West, there is no concept of abusing one's own country and taking the nationalities of other countries. While here PTM has made it an industry.

You can't call anyone a liar in the West. You can't slander anyone, otherwise you have to suffer the consequences.

Our police are corrupt, judges are corrupt, lawyers are corrupt, government employees are corrupt and the rulers are corrupt. Our mullah is also fake, atheist is also fake, beggar is also fake and beggar is also fraud.

But despite all this, our "moral values" are far superior to those of the West.

Don't know why !!

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