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Wednesday, December 30, 2020


The human brain is not solid but flexible and contains 73% water. It weighs only 1300 grams to 1400 grams. And surprisingly, it consists of one trillion cells. This number is almost the same as Our galaxy is a star in the Milky Way. There are tens of thousands of types of these cells. Its size is only 2% of the whole body, but it uses 20% of the total energy. Its different parts do their job well. Every brain cell It works like a computer in itself and then they all come together to decide together. The memory-saving part is capable of storing 2.5 petabytes of memory. In simple words, about 2.5 million gigabytes. According to the latest research, it is possible to find out in the future that many times more memory storage is possible. You must have read that a person uses only 10% of his brain. It is also wrong for a person to use his brain up to Sufism. This is scientifically proven and certain. The solution to a problem comes to one's mind and two Headaches do not occur in the brain only due to experience, education, hard work and a few other things.


It is not that the ignorant do not use their brain to the fullest. You can't fix your non-starting car on your own, even with 100% brain and education, while the same thing can be done in a few minutes with the help of an illiterate mechanic experiment. They are barely visible, but only in the brain they are so long that if they were to be interconnected, the length would be 120,000 km speed ​​is even faster than Formula one Race.

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The human brain, by analyzing the signals coming from the body, can tell where the pain is, but the brain itself, the brain cells, do not feel the pain. The headache does not occur in the brain either. The skin around the skull or the blood vessels in it. There can be many causes in the veins. The brain only analyzes it and tells that there is a headache. When the supply of oxygen to the brain is stopped, its cells start dying. When a person dies. If so, the brain continues its work.

The brain tries to keep the person alive to the end. The brain itself does not believe that I am dying. Here and there, even after the brain dies by drawing the remaining oxygen in the blood vessels. It survives for about ten minutes. It tries to escape, eventually perishes, and finally three additional information that is related to the brain. This is why we are happy with such things.

Secondly, we can't tickle ourselves. The brain reacts to tickling done by itself. The third thing is that Google is weakening the memory capacity of our brain. The reason is very simple. We are giving up the task of remembering and investigations have proven this.


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