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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Pandit Lala Ram Kasi

 Pandit Lala Ram Kasi

Pandit Lala Ram Kasi was one of the famous Pandits of Benares. A large number of pilgrims from all over India used to gather at the Pandit's house at all times.

In the middle age, the first child was born to Pandit Lala Ram Kasi in the form of a girl.

The girl was the goddess of beauty. Pandit Lala Ram named his daughter Shankala. At the age of fourteen, Shankala read all the books on the teachings of the Hindu religion.

As well as being a pre-figure of beauty, Goddess Shankala was also the queen of intellect and understanding.

In these days a man named Ibrahim was sent to Benares as a new Kotwal by the Mughal Empire.

This man was an extreme kind of luxury. Every week he used to make a beautiful virgin girl adorn his palace and tarnish her honor.

The people of Banaras were fed up with his cruelty and luxury, but speaking in front of Kotwal was like pushing oneself into the well of death.

The workers of Badha Kotwal used to chase young virgin girls in the streets of Banaras like search dogs. One day a worker came and informed that Sarkar, you are worried for no reason. There is a goddess of beauty in Banaras, she has reached the age of majority.

Sarkar! Your Pandit Lalaji's daughter Shankala is like a lotus flower. No one has touched her till date.

On hearing the praises of Shankala's beauty from the mouth of his servant, the resin of Badha Kotwal started dripping will not happen on hearing the message of Badha Kotwal, the language of the workers was like a line of mourning in the house of the Pandit.

In the world of ignorance, the heart of Pandit and his wife wanted to jump into the Ganga and turn off the light of their life before they saw their daughter's honor being ruined.

Shankala prayed and stopped his Babuji from committing suicide and told him to go to Kotwal and take a month's respite from him. Tell him that Maharaj is our only daughter. Give us time

After hearing the unexpected reply from the Pandit, the elder Kotwal said that it was as if his intention had been fulfilled.

He said, "Pandit, you have a respite."

As soon as he got the respite, Shankala said to his father, "Babuji, within two days, arrange for me the clothes of the princes, the waistband, the belt, and a sword. Is being paid ...

Within two days, all the above-mentioned things were provided to Shankala by the Pandit. The next night, Shankala disguised herself and set off on an unseen journey.

After covering the distances of the destinations, Shankala reached Delhi, the capital of India in the guise of a Mughal prince.

Friday is the day of prayers in the Jama Masjid in the capital of India, Delhi. Scholars and scholars from different parts of the country have also gathered at the entrance of the Jama Masjid.

Everyone is sitting on the floor of the Jama Masjid to bow their foreheads to the Lord for the Friday prayers, so much so that there is a voice saying,

After performing the duties and Sunnah, it was announced once again that all the petitioners are coming from Sultan Masjid with their petitions in hand.

When the Sultan heard the last cry, one by one, she was disguised as a prince.

It didn't take long for the realistic king to recognize that a beautiful young girl was standing in front of me in the form of a prince.

The king ordered the special servant of his palace to bring this cry to our court and we will hear his cry there.

When Shankala entered the Sultan's court, the king ordered all the courtiers to go out. When the whole court was empty, the Sultan handed over his chador and said! The daughter does not adorn the daughters to take the form of princes. Tell me, what is your cry?

Shankala wept and told her whole story. While listening to the story, one color came on the Sultan's face.

After telling the full sad story, Shankala said, "Dayalu Maharaj, I am a Hindu girl of Brahmin caste."

The Sultan said, "Daughter, go and prepare to decorate the dolly."

Hearing the disappointing answer, Shankala's heart broke like a glass. She took heavy steps back.

With only one day left in the respite, Shankala has sunk like a bride and sat in a dolly.

Today is the happy day of Badha Kotwal. He is sitting on the throne with his mustache trimmed and he is not blooming with happiness.

The elder announced that Shankala's dolly should not be entered in the Haram until I spend money among the poor.

The whole people of Banaras are tired of the tyranny of Kotwal. Because of their weakness, no one can speak. Money is being spent among the poor.

Maharaj, have mercy on us too, give us something too.

Badha Kotwal replied angrily, "Take the money that is being laid on the ground from there."

Faqir said in a pleading tone, "Maharaj!" Today, your wish is being fulfilled, so we want you to give us money with your own hands.

As soon as Badha Kotwal turned to withdraw money, Faqir threw away his dirty clothes. Now when Badha Kotwal is seen, he sees Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir standing in front of him.

The blood of the elder of fear has dried up.

He fell to his feet and apologized.

The Sultan said in a glorious tone! You have been appointed Kotwal so that you may oppress my subjects and ruin the honor of your daughters.

In the meantime, the Sultan's army had also arrived. The Sultan ordered that both his legs should be chained and tied with elephants and the elephants should be run in the opposite direction.

In this way, the Sultan paid the price of justice by inflicting exemplary punishment on Badha Kotwal.

Shankala's dolly was honorably returned to her house.

The Sultan also went there to inquire about his well-being. The Sultan said, "Daughter, first give me water, for I have sworn after hearing your cry that I will not eat or drink until I bring you justice."

Shankala prepared food for the Sultan's meal and cleared the place for the Sultan's prayers in a part of his house.

The place where the Sultan paid double, Shankala's father reserved that place for the mosque.

The Sultan wrote an order on a silver plate that the management of this mosque would be taken over by the same Hindu family.

This mosque named Dharera is still located in the same place on the banks of Ganga.

This was the justice system of Islam; such were the Muslim kings!

In today's democracy, when the honor of an Alisha or a Shankala is lost somewhere, the NC first cuts and then the investigation takes place. Then the case goes to court. In order to prove that haraam is halal, the lawyers give arguments.

Justice cannot be found in a democracy ... Justice is only in the Islamic system.

When the Islamic system is properly implemented in the country, then the honor of girls like innocent Shakila will be safe.

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