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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Praise be to Allah

Praise be to Allah

 The whole universe and all that is in it is bearing witness to the fact that the One who created it and the One who is its Lord and Guardian is free from all faults, defects, and weaknesses.  to be part of the divine that is holy, Irshad_e_ Rabbani Says:

 تُسَبِّحُ لَہُ السَّمٰواتُ السَّبْعُ وَالْاَرْضُ وَمَنْ فِیْہِنَّ وَاِنْ "مِّنْ شَیٍٔ اِلّا یُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِہٖ وَلٰکِنْ "لاَّتَفْقَہُوْنَ” “ تَسْبِیْحَھُمْ،اِنَّہٗ کَانَ حَلِیْمًا غَفُوْرًا

 His glory is the seven heavens and the earth and all that is in the heavens and the earth. There is nothing that does not glorify Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification.  Indeed, He is the Forbearing, the Forgiving. (Isra '44)

 Every particle of the universe glorifies Allah, with every rising and setting sun, everything in the universe glorifies Allah with praise. Praising Allah with praise means that not everything is just this that it is showing that its Creator and Lord is free from defects and weaknesses, but at the same time it is showing that it is characterized by all its perfections and deserves all praise.  Every single thing is showing through its whole existence that its creator and administrator is the one on whom all perfections have ended and praise, if there is any, is only for him.Scholars say that there are two types of tasbeeh. One is optional tasbeeh and the other is reflexive tasbeeh.  Reflexive. Tasbeeh cannot be heard by creational people, it is beyond our comprehension.

 Man is the caliph of Allah Almighty on earth apart from the noble creatures. He should have glorified Allah the most, but unfortunately, he is oblivious to the remembrance of his Creator and Master. In return for the rewards that Allah Almighty has bestowed on human beings, if we even if he spends his whole life in glorification and praise, it is still less. Irshad is the Holy Prophet. Every day when the sun rises and rises, there is nothing left in the creation of Allah Almighty in the universe that glorifies Allah Almighty, and do not praise except the devils and the heedless people ”(Sahih Al-Jami 'Al-Saghir)

 At the end of the above verse, it is said, " اِنَّہٗ کَانَ حَلِیْمًا غَفُوْرًا." The fact is that He is the Most Forbearing, the Most Forgiving.  And you slander him in various ways, yet he continues to forgive. He does not cut off the provision, nor does he deprive himself of his blessings, nor does he immediately send down lightning on every arrogant person.  It is also a miracle of his patience and forgiveness that he gives individuals and nations enough time to understand and recover.

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