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Sunday, December 6, 2020

SHAMSHEER_BE_NEIYAAM Vol-1 (Part-VI) By Anayat Ullah

SHAMSHEER_BE_NEIYAAM Vol-1 (Part-V) By Anayat Ullah

Khalid got up. He swept the window, wrapped it and tied it with the saddle of a horse and rode towards Madinah. He wanted to clear his mind of memories, but his mind would reach Madinah where the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was and which had become the center of preaching Islam. As soon as he thought of it, his mind would go back and show him the scene which was created by him. She remembered the words of Hind which she had said to her husband Abu Sufyan.

"I can forget my father and uncle"… Hind said… "Should I forget my liver Hanzala too? How can a mother forget her son? I will not forgive my son's blood. This battle is fought by Muhammad (PBUH). I will not forgive Hamza and Ali. They are the killers of my father, my uncle and my son. "

"My blood is killing only my son," said Abu Sufyan. "I have a duty to avenge my son's blood." The first thing I will do is to build a strong army against Muhammad (PBUH) and not allow him to fight in the future.”

Well-known historian and chronicler Waqidi write that the very next day Abu Sufyan called all the chiefs, most of them chiefs who for some reason could not take part in the battle of Badr and none of them A loved one was killed in the war.

They all came together with the intention of revenge.  "Do I need to talk more?" Abu Sufyan said. "My own son has been killed. I have no right to live if I don't take revenge. "

Everyone started talking at once. They agreed to avenge the defeat of Badr on the Muslims. "But none of you should stay in your house anymore," said Khalid. Understood, "Didn't my father also think of the greatness of the Quraysh?" Khalid's cousin Ikrimah, who was the son of Abu Jahl, said angrily, "Didn't Safwan ibn Umayyah's father also think of the greatness of the Quraysh?" "Where were you, son of Alwaleed?"

"We are not here to fight each other," said Abu Sufyan. You shouldn't have said anything that would have offended anyone. "

"None of us have been honored," Khalid said. "We will all be dishonored until we eliminate Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers forever."

I swear by my horse's hooves, the heat of my blood burns my eyes. These eyes can cool the blood of Muslims; I will say again that now the chiefs will be ahead and I know where I will be on the battlefield but I will obey the command of our chief in the war I will understand that the chief has given me an order that will harm us, so I will not obey such an order. "

All unanimously appointed Abu Sufyan as their chief. A few days earlier, a caravan of Makkans had returned to Makkah from Palestine. It was a trade caravan. The people of Makkah, especially every family of the Quraysh, took part in this trade. There were about a thousand camels in the caravan and the goods that went were worth fifty thousand dinars. The leader of the caravan was Abu Sufyan, who made a profit of fifty thousand dinars.

The caravan's return route passed near Madinah. The Muslims found out. They intended to capture the whole caravan and besieged the caravan at one point, but the land was such that Abu Sufyan took a man and a camel out of the siege, taking advantage of the features below the ground. Khalid's horse was galloping towards Medina, but Khalid's mind was traveling backwards. He was hearing a word from the time when the Quraysh had gathered to devise a scheme of revenge.

"If you have given me your chieftainship, then you must abide by my every decision," said Abu Sufyan. It will be used in a decisive war against Muslims. "

"This decision is acceptable to me and my family," Khalid said first then the voices of "approved and approved" arise.

"My second order is this," said Abu Sufyan. By Allah, when the tears flow, the fire of revenge cools down. From today, no one will weep over the victims of Badr and my third commandment is that the Muslims have imprisoned our men in the battle of Badr. No effort will be made to secure their release. You know that the Muslims have set their ranks for the release of prisoners and their ransom has been fixed at one thousand to four thousand dirhams. We will not give a single dirham to Muslims. This money will be used against us."

Khalid was sitting on a horse and on his way to Madinah, when he remembered that moment, his fists closed. A wave of anger swept through his whole being. That time was far behind but still anger arose in him. He was angry that the meeting had decided that no man from Makkah would go to Madinah to free his captives from the Muslims, but a man went to Madinah secretly and paid a ransom to free his father. After that, one or another Quraysh man would go to Madinah secretly He would have released his dear relative.

Abu Sufyan withdrew his order. Khalid had a brother of his own named Waleed who was a prisoner of war with the Muslims. Had the Quraysh not released many of their prisoners by that time, Khalid would never have gone for the release of his brother. He was forced by his brothers to release Waleed. Khalid remembered that he was not willing to hurt his dignity but he had an idea.

The idea was that the Holy Prophet belonged to the same tribe and his followers, i.e. those who had become Muslims, were also from the Quraysh and the people of Makkah. They did not come down from heaven. He was not brave enough to defeat one thousand out of three hundred and thirteen. What power has come to them now that they are lowering us and setting the prices of our men?

"I will see them at a glance," Khalid thought. "I will look at Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) carefully," and he went to Medina with his brother Hisham. He had four thousand dirhams with him. He knew that the ransom for the son of Sardar al-Waleed of Banu Makhzoom would not be less than four thousand dirhams. That's what happened. He went to the Muslims and took the name of his brother, then a Muslim, who was in charge of releasing the prisoners and collecting the ransom. He said, "Pay four thousand dirhams." "We want some concessions in redemption," said Hisham, Khalid's brother, to the Muslim.

"We are no longer among you," said the Muslim. "We are bound by the command of the Messenger of Allah."

"Can we talk to your Messenger (PBUH)?" Hisham asked.

"Hisham!" Khalid thundered. "I had sacrificed my brother for my dignity, but you brought me with you." Give as much as they ask. I will not go in front of Muhammad (PBUH) and beg for mercy, he said, throwing bags full of dirhams in front of a Muslim. Count and hand over our brother to us.

When the money was counted, Waleed was handed over to Khalid and Hisham. The three brothers left for Mecca at the same time. On the way, the two brothers asked Waleed what had caused their defeat. They expected Waleed, a young man from a militant family. He would tell them the merits and demerits of the Muslims' tactics according to their tact and tactics, but Waleed's style and the smile on his lips seemed to have a mysterious effect on him.

"Waleed, tell me something," Khalid asked. "We have to avenge our defeat." All the Quraysh chiefs are joining the next war. We are also uniting the surrounding tribes and they have started gathering in Makkah.”

"Gather all the Arabs, Khalid!" Waleed said. "You will not be able to defeat the Muslims." I can't tell if Muhammad has any magic in his hands or if his new belief is true or if I didn't dislike him even though he was a prisoner. "

"Then you are a traitor to your tribe," said Hisham.

The Jewish leader was right when he said that Muhammad (PBUH) had no new faith and no new religion. He had some magic in his hands. "

"It was magic, otherwise the Quraysh would not have been defeated in Badr," Khalid said.

Like Waleed, he was not listening. There was a smile on his face and he turned and looked at Madinah. There used to be a place called Dhi Al-Halifa some distance from Madinah. When the three brothers arrived, it was already dark. They stopped there to spend the night.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, Waleed was missing. He didn't even have a horse. Khalid and Hisham thought and concluded that Waleed had returned to Madinah. He saw that it had an effect. This effect could only be of the Muslims. The two brothers came to Mecca. A few days later, he received a verbal message from Waleed in Madinah that he had accepted Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as the true Messenger of God and that he was so impressed by his personality and words that he converted to Islam. Historians write that Waleed ibn al-Waleed was a follower of the Holy Prophet and he made a name for himself in religion as well as in the battle with the infidels.


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