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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Research and achievements of natural remedies

Research and achievements of natural remedies

There was an incident in 1970 when the president of China was diagnosed with cancer. The President said to the doctor that I will get the treatment later, first tell me why there is cancer. The president was not satisfied with the doctor's response. So the president assigned the National Institute of Health Oxford University in China and Cornell University in the United States to look for the causes of diseases and to find natural remedies for them. And this book has been a National Best Seller. This book is called The China Study. This book The China Study can be downloaded from Google.

Scientists at the China Study were the first in the world to identify areas where people have lived for more than a hundred years and never got sick. The Hunza Valley in Azad Kashmir is one of them.
Where people live for more than a hundred years without getting sick The China study found out the eating habits of the Hunza people and then identified the areas of the sickest people in the world where all the people are somehow big. Some of them live in the United States, where Indians live, where everyone has cancer, heart, diabetes, BP, kidney, and joint pain.
People from China Study got there and put the people on the diet that the people of Hunza eat and stopped their old diet. After eating this food for 6 months, all their diseases disappeared and they are very healthy. What do the people of Hunza eat so that they do not get sick?

They only eat God's natural food, fruits, raw vegetables, and fruits, and the food that passes through the factories is processed.
Don't eat such food at all. This is the secret of healthy living which is to know and cure thousands of cancers, diabetes, heart, BP, stroke, kidney, arthritis, hepatitis, gastrointestinal, constipation, eyes, and skin. It took 25 years for three universities in China, Britain, and the United States to prove the benefits of this diet by getting rid of their drugs.
Former United States President Bill Clinton underwent four heart bypass surgeries in 2004, a lung operation in 2005, and two heart stents in 2010. Bill Clinton became an incurable patient near death. So the White House doctors put the president on a China study diet as a last resort. Evidence that the president was completely cured in 5 months can be seen in Bill Clinton's interview given to the CNN channel. Seeing the miraculous effects of this diet, the President undertook a project under the Bill Clinton Foundation that as long as I live, I will go to every school in the United States and tell children the secret of a healthy life. Eat raw fruits and vegetables and do not eat processed food at all. Anyone who loves his health should adopt this food.
I thought that if this is so true then it must be in the Quraan see Surah Abbas verses 24 to 32 "So, man should look at his food Then We cause to grow therein corn and grapes and vegetables and olives and dates and orchards and all kinds of fruits and fruits and fodder for the benefit of you and your cattle."
In these blessed verses of the Quraan, three things have been emphasized in relation to the human diet after grains, fruits, raw vegetables, and fruits.
Nowadays, Dr. Biswaroop of India has been awarded the Oscar of Health for his work in rescuing 20,000 diabetics from insulin.

This treatment is called the treatment bill diet!

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