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Monday, January 3, 2022




In one part the chemicals were cooked. The vapors from the mixture were passed through a duct to the other side of the device and cooled until they turned into a liquid again. This process is called extraction, and the instrument used in the laboratory today for this process is similar to a draw. This tool is called Retort. Jabbir discovered nitric acid with the help of this lotion. He writes about the preparation of this acid, I put some alum-hyraxes and pencil in the draw and closed his mouth with a fork, and placed it on the coals.

After a while, I noticed that brown vapors were coming out of the incubator tube from the heat process. These vapors enter the outer vessel, which was made of copper, and turn into a liquid, but the liquid was so strong that it caused holes in the copper vessel. I tried to put it in a silver bowl. But it also had holes in it. The liquid also pierced the leather bag. The lot itself was damaged by it and its color faded.

I put my finger on this liquid, my finger got burnt and I was in pain for many days. I named it acid and it has a high amount of penicillin in it so it would be appropriate to call it penicillin acid. One of the most common items, gold and glass, were the only two items I could find that were not affected by the acid.

Golden Deeds:

        In the journal Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq, September 2008, Aligarh University, India, Sirajuddin Nadvi has described the following deeds of Jabbir, until the time of Jabbir, the concept of chemistry was very limited. People considered making gold from copper, mercury and silver as alchemy and spent their lives in this endeavor. Jabbir Ibn Hayyan broke this circle of alchemy and made many useful things from scientific experiments. He did not consider study, knowledge, and observation to be sufficient, giving importance to experiments and making experimental research the basic principle for his work. One of his major achievements was the discovery of three mineral acids. He made medicine out of iron rust that was used to write royal decrees and valuable documents. Writings written with the same medicine could be easily read in the dark.

        Jabbir invented a paper that even fire could not burn. It contained important letters and royal decrees, and decrees, and invented ink that could be read at night. This ink was invented by him at the request of his teacher Imam Jafar Sadiq (May Allah have Mercy on him).

        He invented a varnish that protected clothes from getting wet, wood from burning, and iron from rusting. He discovered a stone that could be used to burn wounds and irregular muscles. This method is used to dry wounds. Jabbir made a dye to darken the hair which is still used today. He invented the method of prescribing medicines and made many medicines very useful and effective.

Jabbir first proposed that heat produces gases and that the basic molecular variation in the origin of the gases formed. Blowing up the essence of medicine, which is called asceticism, was first discovered by Jabbir. He invented a device that could be used to extract, and compress. His name was Qara Anbiq. He made this device out of clay. It consisted of two pots, one called a “Lottery” and the other an “Anvil”. The shape of the lot was like that of a sarahi and the shape of anbiq was like a bhabka with a tube in it. Now, this device is made of tin instead of clay.

Jabbir invented a number of applied chemical processes, making him one of the pioneers in applied chemistry. The recipe for making nitric acid in Jabbir Ibn Hayyan's book Ark Al-Hikmah is as follows; Jabbir divided the elements into metallic and non-metallic and described their three types:

·         Liquids that evaporate when heated: such as arsenic, camphor, mercury, sulfur and ammonium chloride.

·         Metals such as gold, silver, tin, iron copper and glass.

·         Things that can be turned into powder-like stone.

 An Experience of Jabbir:

"I first put a little alum, hyrax, and pencil in the drawn lot (with the weight) and closed his mouth with the drawstring, then put it on the coal fire. Brown vapors are coming out of the tube. These vapors penetrated deep into the vessel which was made of copper. These vapors were cooled there and came in the form of liquid (water). Seeing this, I tried to collect this liquid in a silver bowl, but there were holes in it too. He tried to make a leather bag-like bottle and quickly put it in it, but they too became useless. The lot itself was damaged by this. I named this liquid “Acid”. It was part of the penmanship. That is why he named this new thing penicillin acid. This acid was so strong that no vessel could survive. There were only two things on which this acid did not show any effect one was a vessel of Gold and the other of Glass.

Was Jabbir a European scholar?

Berthelot, a European chemist, discovered in the 19th century that a European chemist was writing books in Latin under the name Jabbir Geber. Bertha Lott was a famous historian of the history of chemistry in France, whose fame and authority were widely acknowledged. As soon as the hypothesis was secretly spread among the people, all the historians of Europe, without any hesitation, quoted it, except Professor Holmyard of Germany.

Continue in Part-II

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