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Saturday, November 28, 2020

SHAMSHEER_BE_NEIYAAM Vol-1 (Part-III) By Anayat Ullah


SHAMSHEER_BE_NEIYAAM Vol-1 (Part-III) By Anayat Ullah

He was tired. He wanted to sleep for a while but the caravan of memories in his mind was not letting him sleep. He remembered a day seven years ago when his loved ones planned to kill Muhammad (PBUH). Khalid's father Al-Waleed was at the forefront of this plan.

It was a 622 AD night. The Quraysh had chosen men who were savages and beasts in human form to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his sleep. Khalid was a young man of the leading family of the Quraysh. He was 27 years old at the time. He was involved in a plot to assassinate her. But he was not among the killers. He remembered that night seven years ago as he did yesterday. He was also happy about the murder.

He was also unhappy because a man from his own tribe had converted his religion to idolatry. Falsehood and self-proclaimed Messenger of God. It was natural to rejoice at the killing of such an enemy.

And he was unhappy because he was persuaded to fight face to face by challenging his enemy. He never thought of killing the sleeping enemy. However, he did not oppose the conspiracy, but on the night of the assassination, when the assassins went to kill the Messenger of God at the appointed time, your house was empty. There were no household items.

You had neither a horse nor a camel. The Quraysh were asleep in the hope that in the morning they would receive the good news that the one who had denied their religion and called them to their new religion had been killed, but in the morning, they were looking at each other in despair. They asked the other, "Where did Muhammad (PBUH) go?"

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had migrated from Makkah to Yathrib (Madinah) long before the time of his assassination. By morning you were far away.

Today, seven years later, Khalid was on his way to Madinah with the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) on his mind. He tried his best to kill his god Hubble and Goddess Ghazi's enemy Muhammad (PBUH) in the battle of Uhud, but he escaped with injuries.

Memories kept popping up in Khalid's mind. The mind went back and forth for sixteen years. One evening in 613 AD, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited some of the leading men of the Quraysh to his house for dinner. After the meal, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to his guests:

O Bani Abdul Muttalib! The gift I am about to present to you is unmatched by any other Arab. God has chosen me for this. Allah has commanded me to call you to a religion that will make your world and your end comfortable and happy.

Thus, three years after the revelation of the first revelation, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited his close relatives to convert to Islam. Khalid was not at the party. Her father was invited. He had jokingly told Khalid that Abdul Muttalib's grandson Muhammad (PBUH) had said that he was a prophet sent by Allah.

"We know that Abdul Muttalib was a chief of the Quraysh," Al-Waleed said to his son Khalid.

Of course, family of Muhammad (PBUH) has a high status, but why should any member of this family claim prophethood? By Allah, and by Hubble and Uzza, my family is no less than anyone else. Can anyone be higher than us by claiming to be a Prophet?”

"What did you say to him?" Khalid asked" At first we were silent, then we all laughed," said Al-Waleed. "But the cousin Muhammad (PBUH) Ali ibn Abu Talib has accepted Muhammad's prophecy."

Khalid did not forget his father's sarcastic laughter. Khalid was remembering that day in 629, lying in an oasis on the way to Mecca and Medina. The Messenger of Allah, whose prophecy was not accepted by the chiefs of Quraysh. People were accepting this prophecy. The majority of them were young people. Some poor people also converted to Islam. This inspired the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he intensified the preaching of Islam.

You were against idolatry. Muslims used to make fun of the 360 ​​idols placed inside and outside the Kaaba. Before the rise of Islam, the Arabs believed in one God and worshiped these idols. They called them goddesses and goddesses and considered them sons and daughters of God. They swore by God in everything.

The Quraysh saw the religion of Muhammad (PBUH) which they had ridiculed as it became popular, they formed a front against your preaching activities and forbade Muslims to live. Khalid remembered that he had seen the Messenger of God gather people in the streets and bazaars and invite them to accept Islam and tell them that idols could neither benefit nor harm them. Only Allah, the One and Only, is worthy of worship.

There were four leaders of the Quraysh who opposed the Messenger of God. One was Khalid's father Al-waleed. The second was the Prophet's own uncle Abu Lahab, the third was Abu Sufyan and the fourth was Abu al-Hakam who was Khalid's cousin. He was the one who perpetrated the most oppression on Muslims. He was ignorantly hateful and anti-Muslim. That is why Muslims started calling him Abu Jahl. This name became so common that people seem to have forgotten its real name. History has also remembered this pistachio tall, squirrel and iron-like strong man by the name of Abu Jahl. (Continue)

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